December 2011 Newsletter
Dukan Diet Holiday Survival Tips
The holidays are a time of year when people join together to celebrate and be merry with each other's company and food. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and the New Year is right around the corner. To help you stay on track this season, go to www.dukandiet.com for recipe ideas for holiday entrees, sides and desserts as well as coaching advice.
Since this is the time when food temptations are highest, be proactive and plan your meals, portion your Celebration Meals (for those in Consolidation), and stay active in order to reach your True Weight and accomplish your New Year's resolution!
Here are 5 health and fitness tips to stay on track with your diet while enjoying the merriment of the holiday season:
1. The holidays are a great way to catch up with family and friends. Speak to them about The Dukan Diet and how important it is to you. This will keep others attentive about your needs and give you more support to stay on track!
2. If the family is having a potluck dinner, bring one of your favorite Dukan friendly dishes for the family to enjoy! Go to www.dukandiet.com for recipe ideas.
3. Feeling festive – why not throw a holiday party yourself! Serve a variety of Dukan friendly dishes like crab cakes, shrimp cocktail and chicken skewers. This can help maintain your weight loss and keep your guest's waistlines from expanding as well!
4. Make adjustments to your exercise routine during the holidays to keep you on track, such as walking an extra 20 minutes per day – especially if you plan on enjoying a glass of wine.
5. Allow yourself to enjoy a little of everything that is usually only available during the holidays, but do so in moderation. Indulging in small portions of holiday goodies won't help you lose weight over the holiday season but can help you stay on track and not feel deprived.
From all of us at The Dukan Diet, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season!
Success Story - Trisha lost 32 lbs.!
Make Chocolate Holiday Treats! - Dukan Diet Oat Bran Chocolate Muffin Mix
Slimming Secret - Green Tea