July 2012 Newsletter
10 Tips To Surviving Summer!
If you’re like millions of dieters across the country, you’re relishing the return of summer. And why not? After months of grey skies and cool temperatures, summer affords us the opportunity to get outside and enjoy longer days and warmer nights.
While you lounge by the pool, or take your cardio outside, try to keep in mind the potential harm from excessive sun exposure,dehydration, and heat-related illness. While you’re having fun in the sun, make sure to keep these 10 Dukan Diet tips with you to have a safe and enjoyable summer!
Here are 10 tips to get you through the hottest months ahead:
1. Boost your calorie burn by sipping ice cold drinks such as iced tea. Oolong, green, and white teas contain catechins which boost metabolism and support fat loss. Drinking eight 8 ounce glasses of iced cold water or tea a day expends about 123 calories.
2. At your next BBQ, marinate your lean proteins such as chicken, steak or fish before barbequing. This will significantly decreases the amount of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines (HCAs) produced when the meat is cooked at high temperatures.
3. Craving ice cream? Log into your Slimming Apartment and try the recipe for Dukan Banana and Chocolate Ice Cream! Or freeze your Greek yogurt with some Dukan Diet Organic Stevia and Dukan Diet Organic Cocoa Powder for a delicious, chocolate-y frozen treat.
4. Make your own cooling mist. Place 1 cup of ice into a bowl and pour in 1 cup of brewed green tea. Keep the bowl in the refrigerator and use it to fill a small refillable spritz bottle. Mist your face and body to stay cool while hanging at the pool or lounging at the beach.
5. Summer is perfect for swimming! It combines physical exercise with Dr. Dukan's recommendations to dip into cold waters! Cold water has an unusual effect on the lower body. Although fat may look the same all over, it’s not. Some fat, especially in legs, is chemically stubborn. To get your stubborn fat to release fat, we need to blast it with neurotransmitters and hormones like adrenaline and nor-adrenaline and cold bathing boosts both. Even if you can’t take the full cold bathing experience, it’s worth getting your legs cold. Legs contain a large number of cold receptors, so even just exposing them helps.
6. To make sure you stay hydrated during the summer heat, freeze BPA free water bottles and place one in every room you use in your home, in your car, and your work space and sip away!
7. Stay cool and reduce your risk for skin cancer by slipping on a light-colored, loose protective shirt, put on a wide brimmed hat, and slop on the sunscreen to protect your skin from UVA/UVB rays. Choose natural sunscreens (zinc oxide) over chemical ones to reduce your toxin exposure.
8. Think about altering your Dukan exercise schedule in the summer to take advantage of cooler times, which are in the early morning or late evening.
9. Spending lots of time outdoors or at the beach can lead to sunburn. If you get sunburned, make sure to take a cool shower to soothe the burn and consume omega-3 rich proteins like wild salmon, trout or sardines to counter inflammation, ease redness and relieve pain.
10 During the hot and humid summer months, lots of people end up retaining water –to avoid summer bloat, take some Dukan Diet WHOOSH!