Outsmart The Flu and Cold


March 2012 Newsletter

Outsmart the Flu and Cold

You know the signs—stuffy nose, sore throat, fever and achy joints—just in time to make you miserable when you can least afford to be knocked out. Welcome to the cold and flu season!

Cold and flu viruses can live longer in cold and dry conditions which makes us more prone to getting infected. Here are 10 tips to stay healthy throughout the year, especially during the winter months. Ensuring a healthy immune system while dieting will be your best defense to reaching your True Weight on target!

Be Happy

Be happy! Research shows that people with high positive emotion scores produce a protein, called cytokine that boosts other immune cells in fighting off infections.


People who exercise frequently and regularly don’t get sick nearly as often as those who are less active. Exercise seems to increase your body’s production of immune cells. Make sure to get in your daily walks!


The probiotics found in Greek yogurt and in capsule form may promote a healthier immune system and result in fewer sick days.

Brightly Colored Vegetables

Regularly eating brightly colored vegetables which are a good source of antioxidants can help boost immunity. Make sure to load up on protein + vegetable days!


Zinc has been shown to help prevent colds if taken when symptoms first appear.  Make some chicken soup, as chicken is a great source of zinc—as are eggs, seafood and liver.


Spirulina, a type of blue-green algae, available from your health food store, is thought to reduce cold and flu risk by strengthening immune defenses. Great for vegetarians who don’t eat meat!

Vitamin D

People who receive adequate vitamin D have fewer incidents of respiratory infections and overall,  stronger immune systems.  Salmon and sardines are Dukan-friendly proteins that are a great source of vitamin D.

Vitamin C

Taking vitamin C may shorten the duration of cold and flu related symptoms. Reach for some broccoli, green peppers, spinach and Brussels sprouts on your protein + vegetable days.

Wash Your Hands

Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and be aware that antibacterial hand washes might make it easier for bacteria to build resistance.

White Tea

White tea is a natural killer of bacteria and viruses. Antioxidants in white tea tone the entire immune system, providing protection against a variety of invaders and help guard against the common cold and flu. Brew yourself some tea and let the stress of the day melt away!


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