
March 2014 Newsletter

Slim into Spring—The Dukan Way!

Spring is on the way! Ditch that oversized sweater and get ready to slip into something that will show off your new shape for spring. Maybe you're tempted to start a fad diet. Don't! Start a healthy, proven weight loss plan that's popular because members lose weight and KEEP it off. Our Dukan Dieters share their tips for making the diet work for them. 

1. The mighty Attack phase. For best results on the Attack phase, make sure you are well stocked with plenty of proteins - especially fresh proteins. You can organize yourself by preparing your proteins in bulk: meatballs, burger patties, fillets, ground meat, steaks, etc. The more lean protein and fresh water, the better your results.

2. The recipes are too complicated for me. The meals in the recipe instructions are there just to help add variety so that you do not get bored of always making the same things. For the time being I just recommend that you cook a lot of proteins in bulk and carry them in Tupperware. As long as you are eating from the 100 Allowed Foods list, you can eat as much as you want. You can make burger patties from ground meat; you can bring chicken, turkey, roast beef, salmon, shrimp, scallops etc. You can carry chicken breasts to turkey meatballs. The more proteins you eat the more effective the diet is. On your veggie days you can just add vegetables to your lunch and dinner. Carrots and beets have naturally occurring sugars to help give you energy if you work out a lot. I also highly recommend making oat bran galettes or cookies so you can snack on them between meals. For sweets you can also make the oat bran chocolate muffins to carry as snacks. This is less of a diet and more of a lifestyle considering you can eat normal every day foods, it is just about how you prepare them. This means you can grill, bake, boil, steam and dry fry and sauté in low sodium broths. You just need to make sure the proteins are lean. You can use any spice as long as it has little to no sodium, you can however use Himalayan or Celtic sea salt.

3. Watch your prepackaged foods. The sodium content in prepackaged proteins (chicken/tuna in a can, deli meat, mock crab, etc.) can be quite high though, so when you have prepackaged proteins drink extra water as these high sodium foods can make you retain water.

4. Make sure to have your oat bran. In Attack 1.5 tablespoons are allowed, but if you are prone to constipation you can have an extra tablespoon. Try to have your oat bran during the times of day that you are hungriest or experience the most cravings. In the Cruise and Consolidation phase increase your oat bran to 2 tablespoons.

5. How should I eat my oat bran? Try having your oat bran as a hot cereal, a pancake, a muffin, a cookie or as breading for your chicken, fish and tofu.  

6. Bored with pure protein days. On protein days it helps to keep your proteins varied, you can also switch up the time of day you have which protein. For example, you can have fish for breakfast (it is actually a more optimal protein for breakfast than eggs), then have chicken for lunch and eggs for dinner. Eggs are the easiest food to digest therefore making them an optimal evening meal when your metabolism is at its slowest. With eggs, you can change things up by making frittatas, deviled eggs, quiche or scrambled eggs.

7. Shirataki noodles save the day! Have your Shirataki noodles with ground chicken or turkey. You can add different spices like taco seasoning packets, cayenne pepper, curry powder, etc. Then on another day you can have it with grilled chicken sautéed in low sodium broth and other seasonings, or as a chicken noodle soup with the Shirataki noodles. You can also have the ground chicken as a burger with savory oat bran galettes as the bread.

8. I want to lose more than my True Weight. You may feel comfortable at a lower weight, but the TW calculated for you is the weight that Dr. Dukan feels you can get yourself down to through the diet which is maintainable for life. However, you may still lose more weight in Consolidation. The introduction of new foods will spark your metabolism. Also, your body will no longer feel attacked by the diet therefore it will feel safer yielding to a lower weight. Most people seem to tone up well during Consolidation. To help induce an accelerated weight loss in Consolidation, introduce each new food item 1 week at a time. Leave the bread and starches for last.

9. Gluten Free. Stay gluten free when you reach Consolidation by having starches instead of bread. (Some healthy starches to consider: quinoa, lentils, amaranth, millet, etc.). Wheat is a hybridized grain and can spike your blood sugar levels more than a Snickers chocolate bar!

10. Constipation Woos. For constipation, I recommend the following: Increase fiber intake: Double up on oat bran and add a tablespoon of wheat bran (if you are not gluten intolerant). 1 teaspoon (or 4 capsules) of psyllium fiber. Try to add Shirataki noodles to your diet. Eat more vegetables than meat on PV days. (Vegetables make more fecal matter than proteins, the pressure gets it moving).

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